Conversor 2

4.6 ( 2296 ratings )
الأدوات المساعدة
المطور: Maicon Santos

Units converter:
• Area (m², km², hectares, alqueires SP, alqueires MG, acres, mi²).
• Length (cm, m, km, mi, nautical mi, in, ft, yd, µm, nm).
• Currency (more than 150 currencies from different countries with online and offline conversion).
• Weight/Mass (N/mg, g, kg, t, ct, lb, arroba).
• Pizza (helps to choose the amount of pizzas vs number of people).
• Pressure (bar, mBar, psi, atm, hPa, kgf/cm²).
• Temperature (°C, °F, K, °Ré).
• Speed (km/h, m/s, knots or nautical miles./h, mph, Ma).
• Volume (ml, l, gal:1, oz, oil barrel, tea cup, tablespoon, teaspoon, pt, qt:2).